Realizing the Impact of the Force of Habit

The force of habit is an experience that surpasses mind and emotion in its being active. It is a force like a vortex that sucks you into its power. When a habit is established, it doesn’t matter if you’re willing to perform the task or not.

In fact, with this force, there is no not feeling like doing a habitual task for you just find yourself performing it.

Habits that are established are not premeditated, that’s why they are habits. Those habits happen automatically, and truly this is the gift of a habit. However, this force of habit is a good or bad thing depending on the habit at hand. Understanding this force is crucial in this life of being a habitual mammal.

In truth, everything in the universe happens on a habitual basis. The sun and moon rise, the seasons, and the rotating planets. The force of habit is a force of the universe that neither planet nor human beings can overcome.

A habit can be changed for another habit, but the nature of habit will remain constant in your life. The force of habit can either be a blessing or a curse depending on the habit being good or bad.

You can have good habits through daily routines that nourish your body and spirit soul. And you can have bad habits that are not fruitful in all their ways.

This force of habit is a phenomenon to rejoice over because this means you can build your life from start to finish with only fruitful actions and states of being and live out those actions and states of being effortless without fail, eventually.

This is the gift habit gifts. However, the opposite can happen when you are effortlessly and tirelessly doing tasks that hurt your well-being. Fortunately, habits can be replaced with each other because bad habits exist.

A habit can be changed for another habit, but the nature of habit will remain constant in your life.

Every individual’s life is ruled by habit, especially the success or lack of success of individuals. Comprehending that your day-to-day life is made up of the habits you perform is key to mastering your life.

You will be able to know exactly why your life is the way it is by realizing the tasks you do every day, that is, the tasks that are established habits. It is said that a habit can be broken between 30 to 60 days.

What this means is that it will take a month or two to establish your dream self, and to surely be on the path of achieving your dream life.

Habits Are the Key to It All

Dream goals are not achieved because some people are lucky or blessed, they are achieved because the day-to-day lives of those individuals align with where they want to be in the future.

A wise man once said you are building your future today. What you are doing today is building your future. Opportunities find these individuals ready to take them.

If you are focused and working with good effort and discipline, all of this will show in your tomorrow—the future. And if you are lazy and undisciplined with the way you spend your time and effort, this will surely show in your future as well.

You simply reap what you sow. A farmer cannot reap from seeds that were never there in the first place.

A great harvest is made through great sowing, great sowing is made through good effort and discipline. This diligence entails making sure the soil is fertile and nourished for the seeds.

Research and knowledge are practiced before you sow your seeds (efforts), like knowing what nourishes soil, so when time is due, you can reap and not have your efforts wasted because of infertile soil.

The goal is not to strive or chase the wind, it is to keep in movement as the ever-spinning earth, its ever-rising and falling sun, and the ever-expanding universe. How bright your future is, is made by what you are doing today. For the things you do today, will be what you reap tomorrow —in the future.

A wise man once said you are building your future today.

This is not bad news for the lazy, it is good news for all because you understand that movement is in the fabric of their being. And that as the moon moves in splendor, that is, as it moves in a specific way to itself, in a way that doesn’t look like the sun, but it is still moving, you can move too.

The point is intentional movement, not fast or panicked movement. The sun moves so slowly that you may forget it’s moving at all, but the best is to believe it’ll not be late for its setting, or rather, that the earth won’t be late.

Be calm and purposeful in your doing and let not the purpose of your doing be uncalm. It does not take giant steps to get to where you are going, it just takes you actually going there.

That is, it takes intention and awareness of your desired goal(s) and the steps that are you taking on your way to those goals. It does not take pressure (anxiety) and it does not take unintentional actions. It takes breaths, silence, and mindfulness. You are never late in your life journey.

All this to say, what you establish in you, how you get to where you are going is what you will be when you are there.

So, if you want to be in peace and calm when you have your dream house, be in peace and calm when you are getting to your dream house. You are only ever moving from one habit to another. You are made up of systems.

If you do something once, make sure it is because you want to do it twice and more. If you wouldn’t like to do a thing twice or think a thought twice, do not do that thing or do not think that thought.

“If you tell someone to not think of an elephant, they’ll think of an elephant.” is a lie. You only do not have control over trains of thought (neurons) because they have established neuron pathways that have been established over years, months, days, or all day.

Learn how to change the habits of your neuron paths (trains of thought). It is only a lack of practicing control over yourself that makes you think of an elephant when you do not want to.

It is not an inability, it is truly your superpower if only you’ll believe it is just like the belief of thinking you think of an elephant because someone said “don’t” think of an elephant.

Are you the most intelligent and powerful creation in the universe or not? Forests are one organism living with the intelligence of flourishing as one. Not the flourishing of this giant tree alone, or this plant, or this beast or crawling creature.

Trees are intertwined under the ground, communicating with one another. Yet, are you the most intelligent, most powerful creation there is or not? The answer is yes, you are, but only you can convince yourself that you are.

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