How to Achieve Mental Health through Your Spiritual Health

Understanding the Whole Human Being.

A human being is a complex entity with different representations of the same being within the same body. The body is one of these representations too. It is crucial to consider these representations and cater to their existential needs for their health, and inevitably the health of the whole human being.

These representations manifest physically and non-physically (spiritually). Health must be planted at the root to truly flourish and nourish its entity. Like how you water the soil of a plant for wholesome hydration and nourishment.

That is why it is important to be aware of the entities that represent the self so that complete care is substantially catered to them. As in the physical world, you have a physical body that possesses the physical heart and brain.

The physical brain manifests the spiritual mental and emotional entities making up the psychological person (soul). And the physical heart manifests the spiritual spirit. Just how physically when the heart stops is when the body is lifeless, spiritually when the spirit leaves is when the body is lifeless.

The mental and emotional person is manifested because the body possesses a spirit, and this spirit manifests itself. These manifesting entities are dissimilar and should be treated as such.

This makes the human person to be made up of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual entities. The mental health of a human means the mental health of the psychological person, that is, the health of both the mental and emotional person (soul).

You think what you think because of what you feel. This is because how you feel emotionally determines the beliefs that are awakened within you, and those beliefs are what determine your thought patterns and the questions you ask yourself when you think. Thus, mental health is intertwined with emotional health.

For mental health to be true and unwavering it is essential to be aware of spiritual health, for indeed the mental and emotional entities are spiritual manifestations of the physical brain because you cannot touch thoughts or emotions. Understanding this is how true (rooted) mental health is achieved through spiritual health.

Understanding this connection between the physical and spiritual brings all attention to spiritual wellness because spiritual wellness means mental and emotional wellness too.

This realization is the awareness of being a spirit. It makes you realize that the physical is there solely for the spiritual, and not the other way around. Being aware of being a spirit takes away any power that your brain and your mind have over you.

A New Source of Self to Heal and Have Mental Health

If you identify as a spirit, you live from beyond what an eye can see and what a mind can say, and you live from beyond what the ear can hear. Negative thoughts are the realities that are manifested by the brain and mind through conditioning, and so mentally trapping you in insecurities and old, bad paradigms from your upbringing.

Thus, when living as a spirit, the insecurities and bad perceptions with old paradigms of who you think you are that are based on your (self) beliefs from your upbringing become null and void because they are from the seeing and hearing brain and you identify as a spirit.

The importance of living as a spirit is not exclusive to religion, it is also to do with seeing the real truth of what a human being is and how they best function. The importance of living by the awareness of being a spirit is that it detaches you completely from the brain and its mind.

If you do not believe what your mind has conjured up, the trains of thought and emotional baggage of those (self) beliefs and their physical form of neurons will disappear because those neuron paths will be used less and less and form new neuron paths.

You will therefore not be affected by the negative thoughts because they are not where you derive your self-worth, self-esteem, or sense of self, meaning you won’t be fixated and tormented by the thoughts by thinking of them over and over again as meditation and therefore keeping those neuron paths alive and thriving. And even if they continue to be repetitive for a time (because of habit) they would not have the same sting of emotional damage they used to have as this sting continues to dissipate to nothing, and this is healing.

Healing therefore begins instantly because the dissociation with harmful hazardous ways of thinking and being is achieved. Even if the thoughts may come, you are in emotional and mental healing because you are no longer in agreement with those thoughts or beliefs.

From the minute you are born your spirit is whole and complete. Yet your mind is empty, and the subconscious mind begins recording every second of every moment and making up the conscious mind.

The mind, both subconscious and conscious, is made up by this constant collecting of information. And so, your mind taints your spirit with its collected half-truths which are lies and illusions by convincing the spirit (at its most vulnerable and young stage especially) that instead of it being whole and complete it is made up by the mind (what it sees, and hears). When the reality is that the spirit is the reason a brain manifests a mind. And never should the tool control the master.

So, you achieve mental health through spiritual health. This awareness that you achieve disarms the words that are formed in your mind declaring that they can’t break, shake, or move you because who you are, to begin with, is not from the mental entity, which is made concrete by the emotional entity, but who you is an eternal spirit made in the image of the eternal Spirit of God.

Who you are is beyond eyes and ears. Who you are is the spiritual being that God created and made a designer home for. A home that is fitting for souls, which is a body, and a home for all the bodies which is the Earth.

The acquiring of identification as a spirit first and foremost will help you live a spiritual life. A life that isn’t ruled by the senses but uses them as instruments to manifest the spirit. A life that is an awakened soul and spirit in alignment.

Trust and Endure the Healing (Mental Health) Process

Do not fret when your mind is still telling you that you do not have worth or you are not beautiful, etc., and when you feel the effects of these thoughts because they are still alive in you. After all, at the inception of a belief, the belief became attached to an emotion and that unprocessed emotion is keeping the thought paths (neurons -or trains of thought) alive and thriving.

Have your attention fixed on the awareness that the mind has been disqualified as a dictator, and so disqualifying anything it may say.

Yet before you can have these negative neuron paths (trains of thought -and emotion) seize to exist, you must process the emotions (roots) of your (negative) beliefs. You must pay attention to how you feel and to your emotions, and name those emotions.

Then be with that emotion, feeling it without restriction because you understand it’s not there to stay, it’s there to pass. Remind yourself that the emotion is better out than in, and it is getting out by getting through you by being felt and acknowledged.

Just like vomit, allow the emotion to pass through you. You always feel better when the vomit is outside of you than when it’s still inside you. This is the key to bringing those thoughts’ powers from a hundred to zero each time they occur. Fight your mind consistently and persistently with the awareness of it being disqualified because your mind will certainly fight to keep its power. Get to the root (moment) of the negative emotion(s) you feel and heal (process) them out of you.

The mind has had power over you without you being aware of it and it is happy to be your ruler just as it has been doing if you won’t reclaim being the ruler from it.

We all know the mind is a merciless cruel entity that can run one to depths of depression, anxiety, and fear, with many disorders and even fatality.

The brain is under the force of protecting you, and it will continue to try to protect you from even such things as being your true self or living your dream and fearless life by calculating all possible risks from the ever-collecting subconscious mind.

Continuously teach your mind that you’re no longer a child in need of knowledge for dealing with different radical moments, but that you’re an awakened spirit soul who now drives the body but isn’t driven by the body.

Teach yourself how to be a human being as the school has taught you how to read and write. Accept the trial and error that has been the way of humanity and evolve into the true manifestation of being the most powerful being known to the universe.

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