Mindfulness: The 5 Human Senses as 5 Mindfulness Techniques
Mindfulness is a wellness technique you enact by strategically placing your attention/awareness to achieve being present and therefore achieve being in silence.
Mindfulness is a wellness technique you enact by strategically placing your attention/awareness to achieve being present and therefore achieve being in silence.
We cannot dignify racism by bringing it to life in acknowledging it, thus agreeing with it. As if to say: it’s logical to think I’m beneath or above any person.
To discern, have a roadmap of where you’re going so the decisions you make become the practice of discernment as you perceive how to get where you’re going.
You know you’ve made a decision from your gut-feeling and intuition when there isn’t a question that rises up, having only assertiveness about the decision.
You’re constantly meditating on the words you’re saying to yourself. Your actions are conformed to these meditations because they shape your views and beliefs.
When you water others is when you are watering yourself. Giving graciously is not giving many, many things, it is giving without expecting anything in return.
A friend is where you get truth and counsel, not foolishness, granted that your friends are chosen wisely, for you’ll become the company you keep in your life.
Pride ignites fear, anxiety, and worry as you try to protect the persona you’ll have put on from anything that threatens to destroy it. Humility cures pride.
You can’t win against jealousy when you’ve already embraced it because then it has already won, you win against it by not accepting it as an emotion to feel.
Originality comes from the spirit within a human. Only the spirit of a human being is from the spirit realm instead of the physical realm that we already know.