How Do You Know Where Your Desires Originate From?

Especially in today’s day and age, there is so much to desire because there is a great knowledge of what can be had, with people on all spectrums of life having their lives on a platform for all to see. If we are all uniquely specific and original, can the things we want look perpetually identical? Or has the day and age convinced us of specific things to desire? Making us lose our voice of individual, specific, original desires tailored for our unique human spirits. You cannot afford to live someone else’s life because you only have one life to live.

How do you know your desire is yours?

How could you be sure of the purity of your desires in your life? How can you prevent living someone else’s life and abandoning your own? Well, the answer to the question is another question. How old is your desire? Meaning, how deep does your desire run, in the sense of, does this desire exist in some way or another in your earliest, purest, most undefiled years of life, your childhood? 

Of course, we may all have wanted to be this and that for a time, and then that and this the next time. But all these things may communicate one thing, one true desire. So, what do you know about this desire, about any desire you may have? Do you desire without knowing why or from where? Might you be going after a desire that means nothing to you or your life? Only this is the recipe for an unfulfilled life. That the things you’ve made real are not a reality attached to your unique human spirit. 

How to make your desires your own

You are a creature because you are created, you are a created creature because there is a Creator. It is only in this Creator that you can know the assignment on your life. It is only in communion with this Creator that you are not lost or hurrying to the wrong place, where you can have all you wanted but still be in want, ever-unfulfilled, and ever-yearning for more. Realize that because you are a spirit, physical material things cannot reach you or satisfy you, you need a Spiritual Provider.

And Then

To identify a desire, you must be silent and listen to what comes up from your heart from the good Creator. What are you constantly pondering, or interested in? What doesn’t want to disappear because it keeps coming back and nudging you internally? Emotionally and mentally. It must be stated that the closer you are walking with your Creator, the deeper you relationship becomes, and the easier you are able to hear Him.

Furthermore, to purify a desire, it is important to focus on the result that you want the desire to attain, instead of just saying you want something. Understand the purpose that the desire will fulfill, and therefore remove any inspiration from outer sources that may reduce and dim your desire by making them not from within. Inspiration is at its purest when it inspires you to do something you’ve always wanted to do and was always going to do, otherwise, it may very well be a thief of your time and your authentic life. All that is truly you will spring forth from within. 

Lastly, perhaps all your desires are God-given, true, justified, and easily justifiable. But, how many of us know that you can’t physically go back to a traumatic event to heal it, that you heal it by talking through and about it? This is the power of conversation and words. How much more is conversation and getting through specific words as an edifying tool if the hefty work of healing can be achieved?

That is, you have to tell yourself and make it known to the self the logic and internal inspiration behind your desires, so they are true and pure thereof. So they are officially coming from within and not from without by the certification of conversation (self-talk) through intentional and purposeful introspection. 

There are only so many things we can desire from life, and these can look the same to the physical eyes. But the perception and reasoning behind these desires is what separates them from those of others, and gives them their unique individuality. Perception makes life a reality. Perception is the reasoning that makes the difference between being vain or humble, joyous or sad, willing or unwilling, believing or doubting, giving up or enduring, etc. What is life but a constant choice of such decisions? A constant choice between choosing what you perceive? This perhaps is the only thing that separates all of us humankind from one another. 

For Example

If you live a life based on another person’s reasons, these reasons will have nothing to stick on within you, as they are true to someone else, and living by them will leave you deeply unfulfilled. I want a Mercedes Benz because I purely perceive it to be the best quality and the symbol resembles that of a peace sign to me, making it resonate with my soul and spirit. Then, after seeing me drive and enjoy my Mercedes Benz, as I have the capacity to enjoy it because it is a pure desire, you decide you want it without a true reason but a superficial one, like, because it’s a luxury car and people will admire me for having it and think highly of me.

While this desire doesn’t come from your spirit but perhaps from your bruised, unhealed soul. This car as a wholesome desire for me would be the complete opposite for you because your desire for a Mercedes Benz would be externally inspired, not coming from your human spirit internally, therefore making it an impure desire that plays no part in living a wholesome, fulfilled, joyous life of peace. 

Personally, I Hate Desire

I hate desire because its presence means I am without. And it is through desire that one can be envious of another. It is desire that makes one covet. Desire and a goal are not the same thing to me. A goal is a thing I enjoy pursuing or am fulfilled by pursuing. Desire means I perceive to be lacking something, and what emotional good can come from believing you are lacking? A desire and a goal may be similar, or synonyms, but to me, the difference is how I perceive them, and what they each reap in my life (my day-to-day).

I found myself going from desire to desire, unendingly. Desiring to be done with a task, like finishing a meal, to desiring wealth, desire is the same. I found myself perpetually wishing to be in a moment other than the one I’m in, perhaps unless I’m extremely joyous and happily having fun. But I don’t want to live half my life wishing I was somewhere else, doing something else. Only to be doing that once desired thing and yet still wish I was doing another thing, because it’s not about what I’m doing in a moment, it’s about what I have made a habit and a practice within me. The habit of living in desire.

God says He’ll give you what you desire, if you believe in Him and have faith in Him, like a child being joyous as they are thrown in the sky because they know their dad will catch them. I acknowledge the ability to have desires, I’m just saying for my mental and emotional health, I will call my desires goals because of the negative connotation I perceive from the word desire. Remember God is always talking in His perfect and holy state. So I must conquer what needs conquering through His spirits of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, so I spiritually align with Him.

Numbers never end, so the amount of things that can be had or desired is endless. I think it best for me to not abandon contentment just because I have goals. For me, the abandonment of contentment is desire. I wish you this freedom from desire if you will have it.

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