The Word Insecurity Only Means the Opposite of Security
Nowadays we seem to clothe ourselves with our insecurities. We make them our identity and humanity, and perhaps even take away accountability as we blame it all on insecurity. But what is insecurity? Insecurity plainly means the opposite of security. Security is being secure and sure, meaning the opposite is not being secure or sure. Insecurity is the reality of wavering or being shakeable or movable about a matter, especially about self or another.
Security is established through communication, and a lack of communication, even with the self, is insecurity. Insecurity can last hours, days, weeks, months, and years depending on if this insecureness is spoken about and resolved and therefore dissipating. You may be one conversation away from starting to practice security within yourself or a relationship, whether with a therapist, being honest with yourself, or being honest with another. Insecurity doesn’t have to mean you’re a bruised soul, it can just mean you need clarity about a situation so that the situation is a secure environment as indeed you have the truth of the matter.
Introspection can be a Cure for Insecurity
You may have unresolved issues from your childhood, and this is by definition deep-rooted insecurities. Or the longer you haven’t addressed a matter, the deeper the insecureness of it is. Insecurities are not permanent, but they can be made to be so by the permanence of not addressing issues.
Introspection can be a cure for insecurity in the self. Depending on the depth of trauma, introspection may be most valuable with a professional or a worthy friend. People say “time heals,” but time only moves forward. As time moves, you are learning how to live with that pain and trauma, morphing it into your being and therefore breeding insecurity. If time healed no one would have trauma and no one would have insecurities.
As a spirit being, words are curing because words are spiritual, as you cannot physically touch them though they exist. This is why talking about your traumas, pain, and insecurities is healing. Why would words have this power? Because everything in creation was created through words by Almighty God. I am secure in my relationship with my Heavenly Father because of His Words that He’s revealed to me. As God is a Spirit, and dwells in the human spirit when invited, I have known and said things that I had not yet read in His Word, but that I would soon read and have confirmation and even proof of Him.
This is because He is His Word and He lives in me. If the Holy Bible were to disappear forever, I would still have His Word because I’d have Him. Though He is invisible, nothing is more real than Him because the world cannot escape the truth of His Words. Science says we were apes, but there is no physical evidence of the transition from apes to humans. None, whatsoever.
Science would rather play dumb, like think it can prove the existence of God or the universe with equipment that can’t even explore more than 5% of the ocean that is right here. Or think it can prove all physical things but only if they say “Nothing is what created everything.” I mean, seriously? Now that’s tremendously insecure. I’m not saying science is bad, of course not, I’m only saying science has more limits than human beings and all of creation. Words are the fabric of the universe which is why they can kill the soul or light it up.
Healing is Another Cure for Insecurity
Healing takes intentional work and healing is the key to the absence of pain, trauma, and insecurity. Since matters of old cannot be externally touched with the hands, they can be internally touched with contemplation and understanding through words and conversation. Most emotional trauma is healed through expressed words, conversations, and understanding, like working out a math equation, though these emotions can have deeply affected the mental state, just as the mental state can have deeply affected the emotional state, and medication may be prescribed.
Emotional and mental trauma can be soothed through other forms of expression like art (painting, gardening, etc.) mindfulness, or technologies used strictly by professionals like EMDR which is like reprocessing trauma to process it (better) in the brain. There are also self-help books like my mental health book, and even free self-development courses or content like this blog or all over YouTube and the Internet, though it is very important to be very selective.
One mental health expert on the Diary Of A CEO podcast once said that, for the most part, mental health medications haven’t made drastic changes for humans. Especially in the sense of curing, not just medicating and having someone dependent on that medication all their lives. This isn’t surprising because why must a physical pill heal a spiritual entity? Yes, physical-chemical reactions manifest the emotional and mental entities, but then all you can do is manipulate these chemical reactions and live by this manipulation, and this is not healing.
Healing is a complete cure. Emotionally and mentally curing yourself from past pain, trauma, and insecurities must happen through your spirit from the Holy Spirit. God as your Creator created you to be able to heal yourself because He is the Healer and He reflects Himself in what He does. Naturally, when you cut your flesh, the body organically and automatically heals itself. In the same way, as the spirit, you must declare a need for healing through introspection and actively seek healing with words, fully depending on the Source of Healing, the Almighty.
To be healed, you need only have the intention of healing and developing yourself to establish a new self that is not one from the past but one you want for your future. Decide to be a better, more wholesome you for yourself, your future, and your loved ones. Persist in that decision of healing and self-developing. You can do it!
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