The Human Spirit: Where Thoughts and Emotions Go To Die
When you were born, your body constituted a fundamental DNA sequence that would differentiate you from anyone who has ever lived, say through your fingerprint. No one person is the same as the next (even identical twins) because each has their own spirit. How do you know you are a spirit? You have untouchable thoughts and emotions, that you know to be more alive than the physical things you see. You have a spiritual reality within you. Indeed your thoughts and emotions create the life you live, though this is the lowest form of living.
Thoughts and emotions are the lowest form you can live life because, how could you, a spirit, be reduced to being a thought that your tool, the mind, thinks? How could you be reduced to a fleeting emotion that you feel? How are you an emotion if you are feeling it? How are you a thought if you are the being with the power to think the thought? It cannot be. And if it is, it is the lowest state of being alive. In this state of being, you will be tossed to and fro by your emotions and thoughts. Like a boat without a steering wheel, being driven by the winds of the sea, and if there is no wind, you do not move.
What Are Emotions and Thoughts For?
Nothing you inherently possess is useless. However, if you do not use what you have correctly, how will it serve you in its capacity? Emotions and thoughts are like notifications. The smartphone does not stop working because there are no notifications, but the notifications make alerts to the smartphone regarding matters at hand or matters that concern what’s in the smartphone. Emotions notify you of each moment of your life, notifying you not of the truth, but of what you perceive. Likewise, thoughts notify you of what your conditioned (by the world) mind is thinking each moment of your life regarding a matter at hand, or regarding everything, every time.
The problem is that emotions and thoughts assume you do not know what to make of the moment, and so, according to your upbringing and history, they tell you what you make of the moment. So you live off of your history, pains, and traumas. Your life is cyclical, instead of linear. You grow into your past, instead of evolving into the future.
These notifications from emotions and thoughts are not bad, but you have to choose them. They cannot just happen to you and drive you uncontrollably, for then you are serving them, not them serving you. For you to heal from past pains and traumas, you absolutely must, through introspection, process (intentionally feel) the emotions concerning the pain-filled events or times that birthed those emotions. If you do not process the trauma-induced emotions (resulting in trauma-induced thought patterns), the emotions will be clogged up within you, with nowhere else to go. If you process them, accept them, and therefore be on a healing journey, preferably with professional help, or with self-help guidance, you will unclog your emotions leading to emotional and mental (thought) health.
After healing and acquiring emotional and mental health, your emotions and thoughts will then be able to be a tool you use upon your wise choice. It is essential to continuously process emotions to heal. Healing is not only for the past, it is for the continuous present. You may have taken offense, or been heartbroken, or in this reality of life, go through some form of sorrow.
Your emotions would notify you of the sincerity and impact of these events or moments, and therefore indicate a need for healing when needed.
Otherwise, your emotions will inform you of happiness, anxiety, stress, etc., and here is where you need to choose whether you will be participating in being tossed to and fro by your emotions, or whether you will take hold of yourself, step out of your emotions, and carry on as the true self, the spirit, which is fully functional (as it can think and feel) on its own without the mind (intuitively), only ever needing a body to dwell.
Likewise, thoughts will either have instigated the perpetual negative (not needing healing) emotions from unwise worldly conditioning and knowledge of evil, or the unhealed emotions will have fostered an environment for negative thoughts, which would have to be dealt with at the root by emotionally healing past pain and trauma.
Because you speak, and should do so wisely, use thought for your speech in thinking before you speak.
Otherwise, especially famous with thoughts, we understand we cannot just let negative thoughts go untamed, for that will happen to our detriment, but the same principle must go with emotions, granted that necessary healing is accomplished. Emotions too are fleeting, wearisome, and oftentimes the identical twin of thoughts. If we should not dabble with negative thoughts at all, well, we should not dabble with negative emotions too. Of course, positive emotions and thoughts are good (or don’t cause harm to well-being), just as goodness is good.
Why Thoughts and Emotions Must Die
A human is a spirit and an eternal spirit at that. Indeed, that that is spiritual is so because it cannot die, whereas the physical is physical because it dies and it is just for now (a short while in the history of time). A plant dies, and flesh dies. Now, the universe, like the human body, depicts both the physical and the spiritual, in that, the universe is unending like the spiritual, and also participates in dying as stars and galaxies die and are born anew.
If nothing else, this is the evidence of the eternally spiritual reality and the ever-ending physical reality. The human body is like the universe’s ending and unendingness, in that, the human possesses the ending physical body, and the unending spirit, and these two realities come together to make the soul. Your soul is your emotional and mental entities, which are made by your history and upbringing through the ever-collecting brain. Your spirit is who you actually, truly are as a human being. And your body is the specific expression of your unique, original spirit.
Most of us can have the same education and the same kinds of traumas. Listening to the same music, sayings, and watching the same movies. And these make up our souls. Our souls can be governed by the same voices and inspirations and all when we are actually not identical in the essence of our true selves. Not identifying with our individuality and novelty may very well, as I believe to be so, be the cause of all the pain and lack of peace and joy in the world. We are disconnected from our spirits (our true selves) because we are living through our souls (our emotional and mental [thoughts]) selves. Instead of the spirit governing the soul and body, the soul governs the body. Of course, the spirit is too high for the soul to reach, and so the spirit is dormant and inactive (asleep) or fighting for its position at the top.
Won’t you awaken, o spirit? Won’t you be awakened by the need of you? Won’t you come forth and relieve your entities of their pain and suffering? Will the need for your being enlightened go unquenched?
You cannot live through emotions and thoughts because they are fleeting and therefore unreliable, and hence they must come to die in your spirit. Because the true riches of life are in your spirit. These riches exist only in the spiritual realm, as spiritual possessions possessed by your spirit, and they are peace, joy, kindness, gentleness, patience, love (true unending love), goodness, truthfulness, humility, self-control—spirit controlled, etc.
These are not emotions, for they are ever-present within you, within your spirit, so what ever are you doing in your emotions at any given time? You, the spirit, must discern when and when not to be in your emotions, as the luxury of having an emotional entity. And what ever could your thoughts offer you when wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are spiritual possessions which only your spirit can possess and manifest? As I do, bring forth unprecedented knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that can only come from the spiritual realm through the spirit. Awaken to true living. Detach from emotion and thought, and be truly alive and novel.
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