Social Health: How to Cure Racism for Overall Social Health
Imagine the fur skin of a leopard, tiger, and bear in the animal kingdom. Ponder the beautifully rough-looking skin of an elephant and crocodile. The silky beautifully perplexing skin of poisonous frogs and reptiles. Skin is the expression of a creature. Skin does not separate any animal from the other but it makes any animal stand out from another. The beauty of skin is its variety; all the complexions (and textures in the animal kingdom) that skin comes in are the very phenomenon and purpose of skin.
In the community of people of color, light-skinned people are not beautiful because they are light-skinned, they are beautiful and light-skinned. Light skin is not beautiful because it’s lighter in complexion, it is beautiful because skin is beautiful. Looking at the phenomenon of skin, it is impossible that one skin complexion is less than perfect and beautiful. Dark-skinned people may be “not beautiful” in your eyes because your mind has been trained to not see beauty in dark skin. How has the mind of society been trained to not see beauty in dark skin? Racism. I don’t suppose you think the Creator made the bee to feel inferior to a whale, and a whale to feel superior to a bee. All of creation is an art to behold and what is creation but vast variety.
Racism is the Number One Social Health Issue
There is great evil in the world that no one can deny. Racism is among those great evils. Racism is not special or perplexing, it is a common sense of evil. Evil is anything that exists outside of love and light, that is, outside of God. Love cannot hurt you in any way, shape, or form because otherwise, it would not be love. Love doesn’t hurt, it is insecurity, trauma, distrust, dishonesty, etc., that hurts. All good things exist in love because love is God. Good things like wisdom, knowledge, understanding, gentleness, humility, laughter, peace, etc.
There is no logic in racism because racism says, “You are not like me and I am superior to you because I have the fairest skin.” And of course, some people of color, like Asians, have skin that is as white as snow, making racism even more baseless and irrational. How can any human being be superior to another human being when they all have the same set of eyes, ears, limbs, organs, blood, blood type, and even the same function of skin, yet at its variety?
I don’t suppose you think the Creator made the bee to feel inferior to a whale, and a whale to feel superior to a bee. All of creation is an art to behold and what is creation but vast variety.
Next time someone is racist towards you do not be offended, feel sorry for them. Be amazed and even amused at their depth of foolishness. Tell them with your expression and reaction, “You drive your car or have what you have, but you understand not that you are looking at your very nature. How most diseased of all creatures are you? I wonder not.”
Because racism says the lightest of skin is superior, and the darker the skin the more inferior, you, white person when someone assumes you are racist because you’re having a bad day, look at them and say with your expression and reaction, “Do you think I’m a fool to think I am not looking at my reflection? Do you think I don’t understand that your body functions identically to mine?”, and walk away amused. And of course, more people who don’t identify as white have skin that is as white as snow, like white-skinned people who are non-English speakers, like people in Türkiye, Italy, France, Brazil, etc. You realize that evil has no sound wisdom or logic.
How to Cure Racism
This is how we cure racism and its identical twin colorism: we do not perceive the reality of racism anymore. Person of color, when you see a white person walking towards you and they cross the road before walking by you, it is no longer because they are racist, it is because they were gonna cross the road regardless.
If a fair woman is clutching to her bag as you, a melanin man or woman walk past her, it is no longer because you walked past her as a melanin person, it is because she doesn’t feel safe within herself no matter who’s walking by. What am I saying? If you do not perceive a moment to be racist, racism doesn’t exist in you. And if racism doesn’t exist in you dear person of color, then it ceases to exist entirely. It is no longer a chain that can bind you. It is no longer a tool anyone can cripple you with.
This works even if it is evident another is being racist towards you. In fact, this practice is especially for when the moment is declaring racism. Because the lack of the reality of racism in you will exude, and the offender will realize it, and as they are being racist towards you, and you are not acknowledging the reality of racism because you are not a fool to think you are below anyone, that offender will have no choice but to not think that you are below them (they’ll rather fight themselves), as they see that you do not believe that they can be above you and so you are not angered by what doesn’t exist. Now this is particularly for racism that isn’t lethal; this is for social racism. Of course, lethal racism is murder, assault, etc., and that is punishable by law.
Now say the law is what is racist, the systems that made this racist reality in our society, then that is what we protest. We cannot protest against one another in the streets because then we are saying, yes, racism makes sense. Yes, this person is logical to think I am beneath them, or yes, it is logical that I am above this person. We cannot dignify these thoughts by bringing them to life in acknowledging them and therefore agreeing with them. People of all colors and white is certainly a color, must protest against the systems that birthed racism.
We must cure each other of racism and colorism by not perceiving it within ourselves and thus trigger that same reality in the other (perpetrator). Doing this as all colors come together to dismantle the systems that diseased them. Forgiving each other for being victimized by corporations and institutions that only sought out financial gain, as they continue to do that by continuing to slowly kill us through their ultra-processed foods, and perhaps because they can also financially gain from medicine as a disease crutch. And if you’re being discriminated against at work, perhaps you should not be making money for someone else and instead start your own company. Only you decide what happens within you. Granted, changing old ways isn’t easy, but having knowledge and not practicing it should be harder. Society can no longer have a deficiency of wisdom (the practice of knowledge).
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