Having Calmness as a Superpower in Life
Calmness comes from stillness. Stillness is the superpower that is calmness. If there is strength in doing something, there is strength in doing nothing.
Both will take power. Staying still and silent, especially when your moment is telling you to scream and shout, is an accomplishment because of the strength it takes to remain still.
Having that strength is having a superpower. It is important to instill strategies and practice acquired knowledge, so you have a shield from the world. These practices and strategies are things you can control and use against the things you can’t control.
Calmness is a Spiritual State
With everything being continuous, like the mind ever active, the earth ever spinning, the sun ever rising and falling, being able to be still is not a norm. It is actually not even a thing of this physical realm at all but of the spiritual realm.
Calmness is a spiritual phenomenon because natural phenomena advocate movement.
When you are still and quiet and thus calm, you transcend the natural. Being calm is a spiritual state done by the body. You need your body to be calm, it is what encapsulates that calm. It is what is in need of calmness. The physical is in need of the spiritual for wholesomeness.
Calmness Is a Superpower
It is wealth if calmness is the quality of your emotions and thoughts because then what rules your being is a spiritual phenomenon. Spiritual reality is the deepest quality to control anything you possess (like emotions, thoughts, body) because the spirit is the deepest state of your being and it is what and who you are. Living from your spirit is being spiritual.
Calmness is the cure for being reactive. When you are reactive, outward forces are the ones controlling you, but when you are proactive, you are able to watch a situation unfold in front of you without being controlled by it or pulled in by it. Calmness is mindfulness.
Calmness Is a Verb
Those who master calmness practice control over their lives. You master being in control of your life because you are in control of yourself when a dark force in a moment demands your retaliation but your reaction is no reaction. Your reaction is thus the opposite of that dark force. Your reaction is light because unlike whatever activity you encounter you reply with inactivity to it.
Such a phenomenal spiritual possession however has a specific Source, and that is God Almighty’s Holy Spirit living within you. Self-control is His fruit and to have this superpower you must have Him within you and your life.
It is quite profound what calmness means, especially because you are only calm inwardly when your outward is noise. You never calm up, you calm down because noise is loud, noise is up high. So, you leave it where it is for a place without it in practicing calmness.
The goal is for there to be no amount of time between a troublesome moment and calm. For the troublesome moment to be met by calm. And remember, all you need to do to be calm is remember that you are equipped to be calm. All you need to do is choose calmness. Calmness is a practice you actively do in order to achieve.
Calm is a verb you must consistently practice for it to come organically to you in doing it. You must go from practicing calm as a verb you do to being a calm person. Practice is the key to achieving all your desired states of being that you have access to from God.
Changing your environment from whatever it is to calm will take hard intentional internal work, but it is achievable through consistent practice. It’ll be hard because old habits will be fighting new habits, but every habit was once done for the first time for it to be a habit. So, you are certainly able to create new great habits.
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