Emotional Health: Feeling Sadness Can be a Good Experience

Is sadness really a negative feeling, or do you have a negative perspective about it? The thing about it though is that even if you change the perspective of it, it’ll still feel unpleasant. Sadness is a humble, quiet sensation worthy of being felt if it happens to be there.

And of course, if sadness is not a negative feeling by perspective, then that should mean all ‘negative feelings’ are so only by perspective, like fear or anxiety.

Which would in relation mean there aren’t any positive feelings but rather feelings that we like and those we don’t like. Liking something does not mean it is positive. Just like disliking something does not mean it is negative.

In this balance, you will realize that what your body is telling you at any given moment is neither a positive nor negative notion but just pure sensation, and how you view (perceive) that sensation is what will make it negative or positive.

I’m actually writing this article sad, and I do not know what from exactly. I found myself having to decide if I was going to embrace this wave or not. Of course, with my own perspective, I can make this sadness way worse and perhaps something it is not, or I can just be sad, feel this, and be free in it.

Let Sadness Be

Being free in sadness has you not exacerbate it. You respect the sensation for what it is, and it will do you the courtesy of not staying for long as you and it are not fighting against each other, bruising each other fighting for power.

Of course, it will leave (or rather, go to the emotion backstage) regardless, but the next time it comes again will you have established a good relationship with it or have resentment and contempt towards it, which would be an ongoing unhealthy relationship?

That very relationship is what actually is negative, not sadness itself. Practicing emotional intelligence is being strong enough to feel your emotions, especially the unpleasant ones. Feeling them in such a way that doesn’t condemn them.

Among critical situations, I find sadness to be quite humble, calm, and quiet. A thing that if you hate it, sadness would itself be sad, as in truth it does not deserve that and it knows it. And how could you know happiness without sadness?

The brain being a real-life defense mechanism should be held back from depicting unpleasant emotional phenomenon as a thing to run from or hate. The freedom of letting sadness flow can be a happiness. Imagine feeling happy in sadness. Think it is too much of a contradiction?

Just the fact that you would not want to be changing sadness into something else would mean you are fine with it, you are happy with it. Not happy in the sense of joy but in the sense of acceptance.

This mindset would kill negativity in your life wherever you want it to be gone. This does not mean negativity should not or does not exist, it just means it exists when you decide it should, and surely that is the reality of negativity.

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