What a Healthy Lifestyle Should Look Like Within and Without

A healthy lifestyle is a holistic life consisting of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual contentment. When a person thinks about lifestyle, they might often refer to material belongings.

As if to say what is the style of my life possessions, the style of my car, clothes, and house. Far from that is the truth. The English dictionary will tell you that lifestyle means the way of life. In your depth, choose for this to not regard possessions but your state of being in having a life.

Society will however tell you otherwise with it being oh-so superficial and shallow. Society is the collective mind of humanity, especially all of humanity ever. So, what society says is.

The perverted intellect of society has you meditating on a lifestyle comprising the things that make up your life outwardly. However, you the person are the actual life that you possess. So, what is the way of life of you the individual life?

Not what possessions do you have, but what possesses you?

Your Life is Within You

What is your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual stance in your individual life? These ways of being, how they are, and the condition they are in, are what constitutes your lifestyle. The combination of them is your life and their condition is your lifestyle.

So, for your lifestyle to be healthy this means you have mental health, emotional health, physical health and, spiritual health. Never (ever) should it do with material belongings.

Especially because, I am sure as humanity by now we are aware, whether viewing from the inside or outside, like reading online about a billionaire who took their own life, that material possessions cannot begin to mean sufficiency in overall health and joy and peace.

And if you do not know this, that is all the more reason to ensure you are emotionally healthy as that is where joy and happiness emerge.

Among more serious instances, mental health is really your relationship with yourself as you are the only one living in or with your mind. The tone you talk with to yourself and the unfortunate negatively wired streams of thought from your upbringing are the first to have to go to transform your mental health.

Psychologists will tell you that in cognitive behavioral therapy, you think good you feel good, you think bad you feel bad. The root of this cycle began with the self-beliefs in your upbringing that had strongly deep emotions attached to them and made the beliefs stick.

Therefore starting the thinking pattern from the rooted deep emotions you felt (about yourself), which inspired and rooted specific trains of thought about yourself. Leading to those rooted trains of thought affect your everyday emotional health with their negativity because those thoughts come from unhealthy toxic emotions from unhealthy toxic beliefs.

Renew Your Mind

It is therefore essential to uproot the negative trains of thought by processing your negative emotions to detach from their negative self-beliefs, in order that you feel new good emotions that can inspire good trains of thought. Which will make your thoughts in return make you feel good, as they themselves are rooted in good and thus produce good.

Know this and be aware of it, even as you continue in your old ways because there is power in knowing exactly what you are doing and the result of it, as that becomes the beginning of your healing and unwiring.

Overall Health

Physical health has of course been glorified by society, especially in it setting illusionary standards while those who fit them become happy and those who do not fit are ashamed, as they are literally shamed by society.

But really, your physical health and it having to do with exercise and eating green has more to do with it becoming your mental health rather than your physical shape or size.

You realize your mind (mental health) loves physical exertion (exercise) which makes it produce loving emissions which become a loving environment within you (emotional health).

These uncondemning wholesome reasons (emotional and mental health) result in the body repositioning itself in the continued uncondemning, loving environment.

Then there’s spiritual health, which is the one that even if you have mental, emotional, and physical health, if you are without it, you will not feel wholesome.

As everything else exists in the physical realm and is admitted to being vital, your spiritual health is where you completely disconnect with that that is in the physical realm (mental and emotional from the physical brain) after establishing their health and connection in health, because you are a spirit, you are not your emotions or thoughts or body.

That is, you become aware that you are a spirit. Your soul is your emotional and mental self, and you have a body that you need as a spirit being. You understand as a house is built for people your body is there for your spirit.

That a house’s only purpose is to be a dwelling place for people, and so is your body for your spirit. Then you are living a spiritual life. A life of depth and of your actual presence, not surface-conditioned gimmicks. Then you are balanced, wholly healthy. Then you are living a healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle of wholesomeness.

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